Paraview label format
Paraview label format

paraview label format

or b) give you complete control over exactly which ticks and labels you want to see. In the new implementation starting with ParaView 5.4, we give ParaView either a) complete freedom to pick the labels, based on ideas of what make up “nice” numbers, how big the labels are and how big the color legend is, the DPI, etc. That’s a made up example, but representative of the old labels you might see show up unless you set the range to something with “nice” numbers on either end. The other common complaint was that the labels at those ticks had odd values, such as. And it didn’t work that great at getting close to the number of requested ticks.


  • Use shfill shading operator (PostScript only): From the gl2ps documentation: Using shfill enhances the plotting of smooth shaded primitives but can lead to problems when converting PostScript files into PDF files.The longer answer is that ParaView used to (kind of) let you specify the number of ticks, but it was really the maximum number of ticks to give ParaView some leeway for placement, avoiding overlapping ticks, etc.
  • Enabling this will ensure that text will appear exactly as shown in ParaView - without it, the appearance of text will depend on the fonts available to the viewer/printer.
  • Render text as paths: If checked, any text is explicitly drawn into the image using Bezier paths, otherwise the text is embedded as raw character data to be rasterized by the viewer/printer.
  • 2D primitives and text objects will be rendered as vector primitives on top of the rasterized image, which may cause some depth sorting issues. This produces lower quality output for these primitives, but is necessary for more complex scenes (e.g. Such settings can be changed using the Settings dialog, which is accessed from the Edit > Settings menu ( ParaView > Preferences on the Mac). These are referred to as application settings.
  • Rasterize 3D geometry: Renders the 3D primitives and surfaces in the scene as a rasterized (i.e. Settings As with any large application, paraview provides mechanisms to customize some of its application behavior.
  • Cull hidden primitives: Reduce the size of the exported file by completely ignoring any primitives that are clipped or obscured by other geometry.
  • Draw background: Use the background color of the scene/chart as the background of the image.
  • This reduces the file size on disk using a lossless compression algorithm.
  • Compress output file: Produce a gzip'd file.
  • This will produce the best results, but can be slow and use a lot of memory.
  • BSP sorting: Use a binary space partitioning algorithm to sort the primitives.
  • Simple sort: Fast sorting method that gets most things right, but may incorrectly order objects in certain conditions.
  • No sorting: No sorting is performed - primitives are exported in the same order that they are drawn in ParaView.
  • When in doubt, select "Simple sort" for 3D scenes, and "No sort" for 2D charts. Since vector graphics formats don't consider depth in their drawing commands, it is essential to properly sort the primitives so that they render correctly.


    GL2PS depth sort method: How to sort the depth of the graphics primitives in the exported image.Then if you want to rotate this slice plane 60° around Z -axis, all you need to do is to. For example: When you start slicing you begin with normal vector (1,0,0). This is used for the image metadata, and is unrelated to the filename. To slice a plane at a specific angle with respect to some axis (for example Z axis) you need to use the rotation matrix Rz () times the actual normal vector you have at the moment. Plot title: Name of exported document. This page describes different data formats that ParaView can read and gives guidance over how to use them.

    paraview label format

    Configure the export options in the window that pops up (note that not all options are available for all formats):.


  • Enter a file name and select a vector graphics format (see list above for full list).
  • If multiple views are open, make the one you wish to export active by clicking in it.
  • This functionality has been restored for later versions. Note that the ParaView 5.0 release does not support vector export when using the OpenGL2 backend. This new functionality uses gl2ps to generate the following formats: In ParaView 3.98, the ability to export 3D scenes and 2D charts as publication-quality vector graphics was added.

    Paraview label format