Heard as the PC Babies were in Spinny Mountain Records get upset about the things that are politically wrong in their thoughts.Heard twice again when they're upset about the new viaduct being financed by a state rather than a county institution because a state refused to finance a proposed program on race-relation education as they see it as hypocritical.Heard twice when they're upset as they cry about certain drink descriptions.Heard thrice again while they make a huge mess in Strong Woman's living room as PC Principal is sitting on the couch wearing a Buddha Box on his head before Strong Woman takes it off of his head, and then goes to the bathroom as Strong Woman puts on the Buddha Box on her head.

Hollywoodedge, Ar15 Full AutomaticR PE093801.Hollywoodedge, Alarm 4 Contemporary TE012301.Hollywoodedge, Alarm 2 Contemporary TE012101.Hollywoodedge, Ak 47 Automatic Burst PE235201.Hollywoodedge, Aerosol Can Spray Var PE695803 (Heard repeatedly in "Tsst!" when Cartman gets nipped/pinched on the neck.).Hollywoodedge, 357 Magnum Pistol Sho PE092801.H-B HIT, CARTOON - SMALL BONK 01/ Hollywoodedge, Bass String Pluck CRT047102 (Heard once in "Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants".).Godzilla Roar (Heard once in "Mecha-Streisand".).Elektra Records, Seagulls/ Hollywoodedge, Seagulls Surf BT022001/ Sound Ideas, BIRD, SEAGULL - SEAGULL AND SURF, ANIMAL, WATER, OCEAN, SEASHORE, WAVES (Heard once in "The Snuke".).Dramatic Chipmunk Sound (Heard once in "Canada on Strike".).Cuica 01 (Heard multiple times in "Starvin Marvin".).24 Beeping Sound (Heard in "The Snuke".).